Blame Comic Genesis for the stuff above this line, not me.
Plan B by Brian Gott

Plan B is the epic tale of one man and his offbeat sense of humor, pitted against a harsh, uncaring, illogical world. (Hardly a fair fight, I know.)

Group 1: Originally posted November 24-28, 2003 and July 12-16, 2004
Noah gets duped
All in the attitude
Moai in the Family
Madison Avenue's Dream
This Old Shell
Why did she ... never mind
The Next Page The Last Page

Send feedback to the cartoonist!

Copyright © 2003-2007 Brian Gott. You know the routine.
Any resemblance between anything in the comic and anything in reality is a coincidence. What, you thought I was trying to be realistic?
Way of the Dodo and Plan B are hosted on Comic Genesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.